Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My plans - post baby

I haven't forgot about my goals to become a skinny yummy mommy.  I started this blog a while back to track my progress in weight loss and the goals I wanted to set for myself in terms of getting healthy and happy with my life and body.  It still is even though it took a little turn when I found out I was pregnant in February (yeah it's been that long already!!!)

I just wanted to give everyone that reads my blog and myself a quick reminder of what I want to do!

  • Loose 60lbs
  • Run - I don't need to run a maraton or anything like that although maybe in the way future I could do something like that.  I just want to be able to run, go for a 30 minute run and not be totally stupid exhausted by the time I get back.
  • Feel good about my body
  • Eat healthy
I still have my gym membership but I've been really bad and haven't gone in a long time.  I was still going  when I got over the inital morning sickness but then it just sort of stopped.  I am too tired and just don't seem to have the drive to go to the gym during my lunch break.  That will change.  I pay for the membership why the heck not use it.  It's a great facility and has some wonderful resources.  I'm really not sure I'll get back to the gym before the baby is born but when baby boy is born it'll be November so cold, snowy and wintering.  So I probably won't be doing a whole lot of walking outside so I'll have to figure something out so that I can still get to the gym. 

I'll figure it out!  I really want to do it!

I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and 227 lbs - up about 4 lbs from when I first started this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with pregnancy, hope it goes well.

    I am currently pregnant a well but I have been getting heavy period as well, what about you, is everything ok for you.

    I have read a little bit about period when pregnant articles online so I wanted to find out if you were experiencing that since you are pregnant as well.

    Good luck with the eating healthy bit, I can't stop eating. :-)
