Friday, February 25, 2011

Wee One giveaway - the winner is....

follow you via GFC under AEK and I like the sweet lavender and strawberry shortcake.

angiedkelly at gmail dot com


Congrats you won a Wee One AIO in your choice of colour!  Check your inbox for an email from me!  You have 24 hours to respond or you forfeit your prize! Congrats!

Stay tuned for a review and giveaway from AMP cloth diapers! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Did you know...

KatyDid has changed their name?  They are no longer KatyDid but now go by Oh Katy.  Check out Mother of a Deal and get a new Oh Katy diaper for $11.99 (reg $17.95)!  It's a great deal!

Not only has the name changed but the leg gussets are gentler, there is less packaging AND 5 new colours!  Cute!!!

Don't forgot to use the Promo code yoyo10 to get an extra 10% off!!! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

wordless wednesday {february 23 2011}

Waiting for chest x-rays
Waiting for Chest x-ray @ the hospital
Talking with daddy!
Talking to Daddy on the phone

Beautiful H
Beautiful little girl
Princess H
Princess H

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I heart faces challenge - Cell Phone

I Heart Faces challenge this week was to take a photo with your phone. Here's mine! It was taken today when H was snuggling with Sage. How cute is she (of course, Sage is cute too)! Hannah had to make sure she covered Sage up too incase she got cold!

Go check it out! You only have until 9 tonight to do it! I bet you have a ton of photos on your phone that no one ever sees (I have 312 of them to be exact)!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weight Update

It's been a little while since I last updated on my weight. I figure today is better than never!

A quick update - Before I got pregnant, a year ago now, I was the biggest I have ever been. I weighed in at 223lbs. I was really working at trying to loose some weight but found out that I was pregnant just a couple of months into it. So I couldn't actively try to loose any. I tried to stay as healthy as I could while pregnant and luckily I didn't gain too much. In total I gain about 14lbs. Everyone including my midwives were happy with that.

So after I had E, I was on a mission to loose my baby fat and get back to a healthy and happy weight. I started to look into my options, nutrisystem, weight watchers, etc. The problem with that is I'm nursing E and I plan on nursing him for as long as I can. Therefore none of these options work for me. So I started to look into options that nursing moms can use and found that just healthy eating habits, lots of water, and moderate exercise were really my only options.

That's easy enough! I can handle that and so far I have. I'm down to about 214lbs! I'm happy with that progress but you know what I appreciate even more than the wight I've lost. It's the inches. So far I've lost a total of 12 inches! Between, my arms, waist, belly, thighs I've shed a total of 12 inches. I couldn't be happier.

I will try to post each week from now on, probably on Mondays (why not get involved in McFatty Mondays) about my weight and once I start to figure out my exercise routine I'll post that on here as well but right now my exercise includes chasing a 2.75 year old around the house, while taking care of a very fussy 3 month old! It's a LOT of work, trust me!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wee Ones by JaJoC giveaway! {Closed}

Alright who wants a Wee Ones diaper from Crystal? She's been so kind to sponsor a giveaway and one lucky winner will receive an AIO in your choice of colour.

Heres how to win!

{Mandatory entry}

Follow me and my blog via Google Friend Connect found on the sidebar (please make sure it's public) and then visit Wee Ones by JaJoC and tell me the colourway you'd choose if you won!

Leave a comment on this post that includes your e-mail address!

Easy as that! That'll give you 1 entry!

For extra entries do any of the following!

{Extra Entries}

1 extra entry - Like WeeOnes by JaJoC on Facebook and tell them GetHealthyMomma sent you! Leave a comment back here telling me you did this!

1 extra entry - Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Leave a comment

2 extra entries- Blog about this giveaway and link to it!

Giveaway ends February 24. Winner will be chosen using, the winner will have 24hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to Canadian and US residents.

WeeOnes by JaJoC Review

Thanks for coming back and checking out my Wee Ones review! I hope to have more of these in the future so stick around!

Ease of use - Very easy to use! Although I'm not sure my husband even tried this diaper because of the seperate liner. He likes pocket diapers for this reason. I found the diaper easy to put on and the rise was simple to adjust with two snaps

$$$ - I think the price is a little pricy at $31.95 but I've always thought it's worth spending on good products. Therefore I think the price is alright, the diaper worked as it should and they are super cute!

Performance - I had leaks, I'm not going to lie! I had leaks in spots that I didn't expect leaks (around the legs) but this was always after a longer period of time. I did try the diaper during naps and it was fine, I tired at night time and it leaked (E is sleeping about 8 hours through the night). With that being said, I still really liked the diaper! I loved the trim fit, and the performance was great for poops, it held all the poop where it was suppose to stay and the leg gussets work as they were suppose to. I just think it's more of a day time diaper.

Fit - AMAZING! I love this diapers trim fit! Sometimes as a cloth diapering mama, I get frustrated when pants don't fit because of big fluff bum. This diaper has a fantastic fit, it's very trim and most all pants fit properly. I really LOVED this about the diaper!

Overall - I think the diaper is great! I always reach for it when I know I'll be staying around the house and can easily change his bum after a couple of hours. I just feel it's the most comfy diaper I own because of how trim it is. E always seems happy and is able to move around pefectly fine when he's wearing it! I think it's a fantastic diaper and would recommend it for sure.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Interview with JaJoC

Crystal hall is the owner of JaJoC, the creators of the WeeOne AIO diaper (and much more)! I had an opportunity to send a few questions her way and thought I'd give my readers a chance to get to know her as well!
Tell us a little about yourself
Well I'm mom to 3 boys, and an owner of 3 companies (besides Wee Ones I also have Easy to Bum Diaper Service & FOE Your Diaper) so life is BUSY!  I love to read, have recently taken up jogging (on my treadmill as it's soooooo bitter cold and icy outside) and I have a HUGE addiction to shoes.  I paint my fingernails, love cinnamon scented candles, and occasionally drink a Mike's Hard Lemonade.  Oh and did I mention I love shoes??

Have you always been a cloth diaper advocate?

 Ever since I started using them yes.  Before that I knew that I always wanted to try and use cloth diapers but I never really told anyone until I had my first child.  Once I started using cloth I never looked back.

What got you interested in cloth diapering?

First the money we would save by using cloth diapers was the initial attraction, secondly it was healthier for my baby.
Before JaJoC what were you using as cloth diapers?
I use a few different brands of diapers I started off with Flatfolds & pins (which I hated and figured if it had to be like this then I couldn't do it) so then I started to do some research and found Kushies so I switched to those (didn't fare any better with them unfortunately) by this time I was sold on the idea of cloth diapering I just had to find some that would work for us.  I tried Fuzzi Bunz which I wasn't a fan of, and then switched to Wonderoos - those I stuck with for a little while but in the end I had a few WAHM diapers I used for night and mostly the Wonderoos for Daytime.

What was the reason for creating your own diapers?

The reason I started making my own diapers was I was disappointed with the diapers I'd bought (absorbency / trimness wise), so since I knew I could sew I decided to throw my hat into the ring and give it a shot.  After a lot of trial and error (lots of errors!) I finally found something I liked and then with a few tweaks here and there I find myself now with a full line of cloth diapers.

What is the process involved in creating one of your WeeOnes? (Where are they made? By who?)

The initial first round of Wee Ones Diapers were actually Soul Mother Diapers - I bought a cottage license from her and we arranged that I would be able to sell them under the name Wee Ones.  They were all made by me, but it wasn't long after (about 6 months) that I realized that I wasn't quite happy with the fit of the diapers and they were still too bulky so I let my cottage license run out, and I started over from scratch with a ruler (to make straight lines) a pencil and a lot of paper (oh and erasers).

What other products does JaJoC create?

We've designed some other products over the years that include - diaper bags, baby sling & wrap carriers, teethers, wet bags and just recently we started making suspendz and mittz clipz.

Where can we find these products for purchase?

A lot of our products can be found in stores across Canada (Baby Ware in NFLD, Klassy Kids in NS, Glow Maternity in ON, our own Home store in Whitby, ON.  Of course we have the online store ( and we also have a couple of stores in Norway and in the USA.

Does your family thrive to be eco conscious?  If so, what other aspects of your life are eco friendly?

Hmmmm good question, I'll have to say no - I've got a house full of boys and the only time they ever want to turn a light off is when they are trying to scare someone in the dark!  I run around all day long turning lights off (or so it seems).  We do recycle everything possible, and we have a food waste as well as we use napkins (or wipes) rather than paper towel whenever possible, but over all I would say no we're not overly eco-conscious.

When and how did JaJoC become a full fledge business?

Oh this is a question that I'm not quite sure I know the answer to!  I started in about April of 2004 making the diapers but I'm not sure when I would say it became a full fledge business.  To me I guess that wouldn't have been until about 2008, that's when the company really started to take off running (with me trying to catch up).  It's grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years and so to me once it actually showed true growth is when I would consider it becoming a full fledge business.

Where did the name JaJoC come from?

This was my sister's doing.  When I first started talking about creating a "store" I knew that I liked the name Wee Ones but it was a bit too generic and it has similar company names already and I wanted something unique.  So my sister calls me one day and says don't laugh (this is almost always followed by laughter I'm still not sure why she bothers to say it!) what do you think of Jay - Joe - See??  I was like hmmmmmmmm  that's a cool name where did you get that from - it came from Jasmine, Johnathan, Clarissa (her two daughters at the time and my son), and so JaJoC was born - no it's not pronounced Jay-JOCK.

What was your biggest misunderstand about cloth diapering in the beginning?

FLEECE - this had to be my biggest mistake and misunderstanding.  There are so many different types of polyester (and cotton) fleece out there at first it was very easy to fall into the oh this is a cheap fabric and it's fleece it'll work - NOPE not a chance.

Any exciting things we should be looking forward to from JaJoC?

Well Mighty Nights are through the testing phase and so they will be launching as soon as I can get some more fabric to make them.  We're also transitioning the inserts in our diapers to be all one-size inserts (small diapers will come with the inserts, medium & large diapers will have the option to not get inserts with them).  We found that by moving away from sized inserts people could save even more money, get more use out of their diapers and the inserts that they've already worn in and are now super absorbent will keep babies happier (which in turn makes mommy & daddy happier).

If money wasn't an issue, what would be your dream vacation?

ohhhhhhh I'd be on a private beach somewhere soaking up the sun and enjoying the sand between my toes

If you were having a special date night with hubby what would it include? (favorite restaurant, etc)

Well dancing would have to be right on the top of that list, in some really hot shoes.

Favorite book? and favorite movie?

My favorite books would be The Host, City of Glass or anything by JR Ward or John Grishman.  Favorite Movies - I'm an action or sci fi girl - I loved Farscape and Stargate (all 3 series), and other ones that topped my list are Gladiator, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Matrix Trilogy & The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Great! Thanks so much Crystal, it's been a pleasure getting to know you and your company! Crystal has been wonderful though this whole process and I hope you (my readers) check out her site and leave her a little love!! It's totally worth the look, and maybe even a purchase! :)

Stay tuned tomorrow for a review of the WeeOne AIO diaper by JaJoC! By the way, Crystal has been so kind as to sponser a giveaway! So check back tomorrow and find out how you can win! :)

I had a lot of fun with this and really hope that I can some more WAHM companies interested in doing interviews, reviews and giveaways! It was tons of fun and get's your name out there! If you're interested e-mail me here

Monday, February 07, 2011


Need a few more diapers for your stash? Check out motherofasalefor $9.99 fuzzibunz!

They are mislabeled as large when in actual fact are medium/large but it's a great deal no matter what! Check it out, it's worth a look!

Friday, February 04, 2011

Why we chose cloth

When I got pregnant with my daughter I started to read up on cloth diapers and was drawn in by the thought of them right away and after a little research I was hooked!

The first reason -

The environment.  In the first two years of a child's life they will wear approx. 6000 diapers!  This is all going to a landfill and according to research it is unknown exactly how long it takes a diaper to fully decompose but they suspect somewhere between 250-500 years!  YEARS!!  This is a huge deal to me!  Your great great great grandchild won't even outlive the disposable diaper!


Did you know that you are actually suppose to get rid of poop from a disposable diaper (check the packaging)?  This waste is sitting in the land fill, seeping into the soil, possibly affecting our ground water?

I did not want any part of that

Reason two -

Health & safety

Sodium polyacrylate - linked to toxic shock syndrome (banned from tampons)
Dioxins (by-product of bleaching paper) - know to cause damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys
Tributyl-tin(TBT) - know to cause hormonal problems in humans

And many other chemicals that have been linked to male infertility and asthma in children!

Need I say more?

Reason #3 -economical - sure the upfront cost of cloth diapers can be pretty daunting ($300-500 for a good stash plus accessories) but let me say that the upfront cost is nothing compared to what you would spend on disposables until your child is fully potty trained!

Let's say you use approx. 60 diapers a week and a package of name brand diapers costs $30 you are paying .21 per diaper for a total cost of just over $1300 for two years BUT only one child.

(You can take a look here at  this post where I calculated he upfront costs of our stash before my son was born!)

Buying good quality diapers is especially important too,  if you want to make the most of cloth buy from a reputable brand and they can definitely last through more than one child!  Therefore saving you about $1000!

There you have it!  Why we chose to use cloth!  I hope you found this helpful, if so let me know by leaving me comment!  What about you, if you already use cloth what were your reasons?  Let me know!