Friday, May 28, 2010

A decision has been made

In case you didn't read my post regarding our deciding which cloth diapers to use check it out here.
We sat in an hour and a half workshop on Wednesday night with a wonderful and very knowledgeable Kristen from Eaton Family Eco babies (seriously she was great, check out her website and make sure to e-mail with any questions she has. She's fantastic!) I went in already knowing ALOT about cloth diapers, I've done days and days worth of research to find out the different kinds available, the best available, how to wash them, how to take care of them, etc. You name it, I've read it! I just wanted to get a chance to touch all the diapers, feel what they had to offer, get some personal feedback and then make the decision.
Well ladies (and gentlemen) I've made a decision! And just in case anyone is interested in knowing what we're going to purchase.

Prefolds for when the baby is first born. There's no point trying to put a One size diaper on a newborn, even though they are suppose to fit, they don't! We've already got covers from when Hannah was in cloth so why not use them!
We are also going to purchase 24 Baby Kanga diapers! (Look at all the colours we get to choose from!!).

Are thought is! Get this...

Hannah is 2. Currently she wears disposable diapers (trust me, this is hard for me). We'll get the Kangas for her to wear now until she is potty trained. Hopefully long before the baby needs to wear the kangas. Hannah will be 2.5 when the babe is born, she'll have probably another 4 months of "potty training" before the baby changes over to kangas. Therefore she'll be almost 3 years old (WHAT!!!), I think this will work! :)

I'm so excited!!!!

I'm working out the cost of all this up front and I think I've got it figured out!

Currently Eco Babies has a special on Kangas (buy 3 get the 4th free). Therefore if we need 24 we'll pay for 18 and get 6 free. Not bad.

Price per itemAmount neededTotal
Prefolds (package of 6)$16.504$66.00
Baby kangas$17.5018$315.00
Bamboo stuffers$8.756$52.50
diaper pail$31.951$31.95
diaper must haves$165.951$165.95

- 2 small wetbags
- 2 large laundry bags
- 10 microfleet liners
- 1 Happy Heiny spray
- 1 biosoft liner (pkg 100)
- 20 bug wipes
- 1 change pad
- 2 swimmis

Claudia's choice laundry detergent$28.991$28.99
with tax$746.24

So there you have it! The total breakdown of how much it will cost for us to finish diapering Hannah and also diaper out new baby until he/she is fully toilet trained. Not too shabby eh? Sure it's a pretty hefty amount to fork out all at once but the cost savings in the long run are totally worth it and think of all the stuff we are not putting in our landfills or on our precious baby bums!

I'm totally happy with that decision and really hope it works out for us in the end! :)

I'll keep you posted on when we get the diapers and how cloth is working with Hannah at 2 years old! :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The No-Time No-Excuses Workout

Thanks to Fit Pregnancy check out this simple workout for expecting mommies.  Starting tonight, this is what I'll be doing! :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Still no birthday party pictures...

but I've got some from the show and from the trailer....

Hannah really loved the Sesame Live show!  She wasn't really sure what to think when we first got there.  We just kept telling her we were going to see Elmo.  We got to our seats and she took a look around.  We were fifth row from the stage so we got a good look at the stage and where all the action was going to take place.  Daddy came back to the seats with a special present, a stuffed Elmo and a new sesame street t-shirt.  She was excited about both but really fell in love with her Elmo

Here she is before the show with her new Elmo

Before the show was about to start Big Bird annouced over the PA that the show was about to begin and that there was no audio or video recording allowed.  Hannah thought it was very exciting to hear Big Bird.  I think this is when it all started to come together for her and she got excited!

A picture of Mommy and Hannah (and Elmo) right before the show was about to begin

She was very excited to see the Count.  For some reason he has become her favorite character and she always says "Ah Ah Ah" when she sees him in books and on T.V.  So when she saw him on stage she was estatic!  It was a lot of fun to see her little face light up and get so excited about the sounds, lights and music!  It was totally worth every penny!

Elmo, Grover, Count and Abby Dabby (that's what Hannah calls her)

The count singing a ladybug song! :)

Big Bird and Abby

I was really impressed with the show, the singing, dancing and lights were all very well done.  It was great that SO many of the characters were there too.  Telly monster (my favorite since I was a child) was even there.  The honkers, Perry Dawn, Oscar, everyone!  It was great.  We left in a wonderful mood and of course very tired! :)

Now onto the trailer...We had a FANTASTIC weekend!  The weather was wonderful and we had a great time.  Lots of laughs, food and SUN!

Grandpa and his two special girls

Hannah on the swing at the park.  She LOVES the park and always wants to "play"

My niece and BIL and "Run Away A Lot" the turtle they found on the road.

My sister and her boyfriend/hubby, Adrian

My hubby and his best friend Sage

Nana and Hannah!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Party!


It's my first blog party (check it out here) and I welcome you to my site!  I started this blog as a way to keep track on my personal weight loss goals.  Little did I know that just a couple months after I would start this journey I would find myself pregnant.  Now I'm working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle while pregnant and of course recording the ups and downs of being pregnant.  I have a daughter already who is my world so of course there's a lot about her on here as well!  I hope you enjoy reading all my sillyness and come back often! :)  Leave me lots of love in the comments as well. I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see a comment from someone!

Gotta get my camera ready....

We're taking Hannah to see Elmo! :)

How fun is that! We're heading to Toronto tomorrow morning for a fun filled day.   We got her tickets to see Elmo's Green Thumb show for her birthday.  She obviously didn't understand it when she opened the card to see the tickets but  I really hope she likes it and it's not to much for her to take in. 

I love Sesame Street and watched it a lot when I was a kid.  I'm probably just as excited as the next kid to be going and seeing the characters dancing and singing!  I'm excited but shhhh don't tell anyone!!! 

I'll have lots of pictures to show when we get back...and seriously I'll post them.  I know, I know I'm still missing the birthday pictures! :(  I'll have them up tonight I PROMISE!!!!

Anyway, wish us luck!  It should be a good day!  Fingers crossed Hannah doesn't get scared by the customs, we're sitting right up close (I think the 3 row). 

I'll be back with an update (and pictures) on Tuesday, we're heading off to the trailer after the show and hopefully the weather will be nice enough for use to stay there the entire time!  It's Victoria Day weekend (monday is a holiday) so it'll be nice to enjoy the trailer for a full weekend.  I'll have pictures from the trailer too!  Chris and I have been working on the gardens around the trailer to make them look better and it's really starting to look nice!  I love it!
So stay tuned, you'll at least have a lot of pictures to look at when I get back!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on my 101 things

Well it's been awhile since I've updated my 101 things list so I checked it out today to see if I've actually done anything from it!

Turns out I have! :)  Well kind of I've got a few things almost done but I thought I would comment on them just for future reference!

#9. Take Hannah to the dentist -  I had all intentions of doing this and called to make the appointment and the receptionist told me they don't see kiddos until they are 3.  Hannah just turned 2.  Okay so I'll still be able to do this in my 1001 days but I thought I'd mention it now as well!

#17.  Go on another cruise - Again I had all intentions of doing this.  Chris and I were thinking in September we'd go away on a cruise together just the two of us before the new baby was born.  We looked into it and as it turns out cruising companies will not allow a pregnant women past 24 weeks to cruise!  This really sucks!!!  I was really looking forward to doing something like that just before the baby comes.  I guess if we plan something within the next couple of weeks we could still cruise....haha Yeah right!

#71 Plant a veggie garden - This I have done!  I have a wonderful veggie garden with carrots, radishes, corn, green beans, green onions, cucumbers, broccoli, etc. 

#72 Train the dog to not dig up previous item - FAILED MISERABLY!!!!  about 2 or 3 weeks after the veggie garden was planted my stupid dog decided to jump the little fence hubby put up and DIG UP EVERYTHING that had started to sprout!  My sister called me at work and was in a panic because my garden was ruined!  I was not a happy camper when I got home from work that evening to see my garden destroyed!  It was really sad.  I've tried to salvage it as much as I can and I still have my fingers crossed something comes up from the mess of dirt but who knows.  We'll just have to wait and see!  I'm going to try and remember to take some pictures of it tonight.

So really, I can cross  1 thing of my list!  That's alright though, I wasn't even trying but I did it and I'm happy with that! :)

A new layout

As I'm sure you quickly noticed when you popped by today, I've decided to change my layout.  I just wasn't feeling my old layout with the skinny girl at the top of the page.  It worked when I was really focused on loosing weight and who knows maybe I'll change it back at another time but right now I'm not looking to loose weight I'm just looking to stay heathy.

I like the simplicty of the new layout and the colours are great too!

I've been poking around trying to make sure things are working as they should but if you happen to find anything please feel free to comment and let me know!  I'd really appreciate it!

One thing I wanted to point out was it you want to leave a comment - just go to the little blue speach bubble beside the title of the post and click on the number.  This will bring you to the comment form where you can leave a comment.  It's a little strange and took me a couple of minutes looking around for the comment box to figure it out.  So there you have it!  Leave a comment and I'll be sure to check you're site out and leave a little comment love! :)


Friday, May 14, 2010

Decisions Decisions Decisions....

It seems that as a mother the minute we get pregnant we go into overdrive with all the things we "need", want or should have for the unborn baby. 

Okay maybe it's just me, but I have recently started a list of things I "need" (and I put "need" in quotes because I know just as well as all you other been there done that moms that when newborn comes home that all you really need are a pair of boobs and something for the munchkin to wear)  but anyway, first on that list is - Cloth Diapers!  Lately I've been excessivly researching cloth diapers.  I know for a sure we want to do cloth diapers on our own this time, when Hannah was born we used the diaper service in our area until she was 9 months old.  Then they just got WAY to bulky and expensive so we switch to disposable. 

This time around I really want to buy my own "stash" of diapers and go for it.  I've keep reading and hearing from everyone I talk to that it's easy and really isn't that big of deal to wash your own.

So, how's a mom to choose?  There are so many freakin' kind of diapers with so many cute prints, really how am I suppose to choose??  I've been online looking around at reviews of diapers, webistes of cloth diapering mommas, I just haven't actually been to the store.  Chris says it's way to early to be thinking of diapers because I am only 3 and a half months pregnant.  I just feel I need to know and NOW.  I need to know what's out there for me and holy freakin' cow there are A LOT!!!

Take for instance just the different types of diapers that are available

HybridAll in One (AIO)

All in twos (AI2) Heck there's even, All in threes! (AI3)

Then with each of them comes the different brands!  If you don't believe me check out Kellys Cloest and see for yourself just how many types of diapers there are!  It's crazy!

So seriously HOW do I choose?  What's the best route to choose the best diaper for a baby that isn't even born yet?  I need help!!!

And just because it's so darn cute - here's yet another video!  This time it's cloth diapered babies dancing!  Check it out!

This was created and posted by Kim R over at Dirty Diaper Laundry she has been a huge resource to me over the past couple of weeks while researching my diapering dilemma! She does great video reviews on different diapers and talks lots about the diapers available to everyone.  Check out her website if you get a second, she always does some great giveaways! :)

Anyway, I`m reaching out to my "Fanbase" again and wondering, if you cloth diaper what do you use and how the heck did you decide what to use??

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Swagger wagon!

Just thought I would show this ridiculously silly and fun video a friend on a fourm posted today!  Makes me laugh because currently DH and I are in the market for a van!  We have just started looking and I can't help but think "I'm really starting to become "that" mom". 


Oh yeah, and if any of you super cool, totally fab, moms want to put in a word for the van you drive, please leave a comment.  We're very interested in knowing what keeps you cool!  The only prereqs we have - has to fit 2 car seats and a BIG dog for all our trips to the trailer in the summer. 

Thanks! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gym, Oh Gym Where have you been?

It's been a long time since I was at the gym!  When I found out I was pregnant and then started to feel the side effects of being pregnant *the excessive ALL day sickness, sleepyness, etc* I just couldn't make it to the gym.  I had better things to do, like hang my head in the toliet or drive around at lunch time for 20 minutes trying to find something that might make me feel a little better.  Actually usually it was Chris driving and me laying in the front passanger seat saying "we might need to pull over in a minute so I can throw up".  It's been tough that's for sure but of course I would never trade it for anything - I know it's for a good reason that I want to hurl everytime I walk into the kitchen....I'll have a beautiful baby in my arms sometime in October/November.  It'll pass and I will forget all about the nasty taste in my mouth that won't go away after throwing up first thing in the morning after already brushing my teeth. :)

Anyway the reason for this post!  Today at lunch Chris and I took a walk over to the gym and I actually got a really good workout done in about 25 minutes.  I only did intervals on the treadmill but it was great!  I was sweaty when I was done and I felt good!  I was happy to have the energy to be back at the gym and feeling good!  I hope I can keep it up now! :)

I will have to invest in something to wear at the gym soon because I noticed that my gym shirt was starting to get pretty tight around my tummy!  Yes, I'm 15 weeks along and already starting to show!  It's crazy, although whats crazier is that my mom, and sister both thought when I was about 8 or 9 weeks along that I was huge and people were going to start questioning me. :S  I think since then I've leveled out though, I'm not huge or anything but I definitely have a baby bump.  I'll have some pictures to post tonight! :)  *Lets hope I still have the energy to do that*

I'm really starting to get excited about this pregnancy - at my last appointment with the midwife we got to hear the baby's heart beat.  It is such an amazing sound, knowing that you're growing this little life inside of you is just incredible.  And now that I'm starting to feel better I'm sure I"ll really start LOVING this pregnancy.  I absolutely loved being pregnant with Hannah and really missed it after she was born.  I can't wait until I get that very distinct kick in the gut that is an instant reminder that I've got a wee person on the inside!  It's incredible!

Anyway, the reason for this post is just a quick update about the gym!  I really want to continue with the gym my entire pregnancy this time - I stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant with Hannah.  I'll keep you posted with how that goes! :)

Thanks for reading!