Monday, September 26, 2016

It's Monday

It's Monday and it's rainy and grey.  The little miss and I are snuggled back up in my bed because she isn't feeling well, and I'm not going to argue getting back in bed!

It was a great weekend, the sun was shining and we got lots done around the house.  Things are starting to get packed up for the cooler weather and I got some spring cleaning done inside.  Of course it was a full weekend of dance and hockey.  I'm so proud of my kids and how much they love their sports and being a part of a team.

Not much to post today.  I'm here, I'm trying and I'll be back!

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Back to school!

Summer vacation is officially over!

Kids are back to school today and we're all excited!  It's so hard to believe that summer holidays are over and soon the seasons will be changing from summer to fall.  We had a great summer, I had taken an extra 6 month leave of absence from work so I had the entire summer to spend with all the kids and we had a great time.  It's hard to see them go back to school but we were all starting to struggle without the daily routines of school.  It was definitely time to get back.

My schedule now for the blog will be Monday and Wednesday.  I'm hoping to keep this schedule for a bit and see what happens.  I'm looking forward to bringing GetHealthyMomma back to life.  It'll be exciting and new and hopefully can help me scratch the itch I was talking about in my last post.

Check it out and let me know, are you excited for the kids to be back in school?  Do you have anything planned to help scratch your creative itch?

Monday, September 05, 2016

Again, and again and again.....

About once or twice a year I get an itch.  I never quite figure out how to scratch it and each time I feel defeated and bored.  This itch that I get wants me to be doing something....something creative.  I'm a creator, I always have been but I've never really found that thing that I love doing.

I will admit, I'm good at a lot of things but I get bored.  I use to scrapbook, loved it, did it for a while but got bored, knit, did it for a long time (the longest I've done anything, I think), was really good at it but got bored and just recently packed away all my knitting supplies.  I love sewing, and making my children clothes.  But again the same thing, I do it for a bit, but then just find I get bored or tired or something and end up putting it away.

The same things goes for this blog.  I get motivated, want to write, want to get my site up and going again but then start and get bored.  So, here I am.  I don't know how long I'll stick around this place but I do have plans.  I have it schedule in my planner and hope to add things like, monthly favourites, clothing/shopping and makeup posts.  Family things still of course, and anything else that may come about.  We'll see!  I'm not promising anything of course, we'll see how quickly I get bored again. Although I really hope not this time.