Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer of 2015

Well yesterday was the last day of school for my two munchkins.  Grade1and JK are complete.  It's hard to believe it happened so quickly but we are super excited for our summer to be here, warm weather, bathing suits, sunscreen, and loads of fun!

I'm really excited to be home on mat. leave for the summer and have a ton of fun things planned for the kids.  I'm using my time home to plan themes, "field trips", crafts and activities for them.  I'll be throwing a bit of learning into the mix too!  We're going to work on letters with Ev throughout the summer and I'll be throwing in some math, science and writing for both the kids to keep their skills on par! ;)

I'm so happy that Pinterest exists in my life, it makes planning these themed weeks a breeze.  It's so easy to find different ideas (crafts, activities, and even trips) to help bring the whole theme together.

Check out my Kids Summer board for loads of ideas that you might find helpful in planning your kids summer vacation.

Follow Kandice's board Kids summer on Pinterest.

I'll be posting different activites that we do, field trips that we take and what we've been up to this summer here on the blog so if you're interested then stick around and I'll show you.

I'll also be posting more of my newest little girl, Alice.  She was born on her due date in March and rhas been a joy to have as part of our family.  She's laid back, very mellow and has felt like she was meant to be part of our family all along.  It's been amazing to see the kids fall so madly in love with her and love her to bits.  We're back to cloth diapering, and baby wearing and it's been amazing so far.