Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Midwife appointment - 35 weeks!

Wow! Where the heck did that time go!  I'm only 5 weeks away from my due date and could have this baby at any time between now and then!  I can't believe it!  I think for the most part we are ready!  It's just a waiting game from now until then!

I had a great midwife appointment today (as usual).  I just love the clinic I go to and the midwives that practice there so much!  They are all so incredible!  In case you are not familiar with midwifery I'll give a little background with how our clinic works.  You as an expecting mother are assigned a Primary Midwife, this is the person that is responsible for your care and "will" attend your birth.  She is the midwife you see for almost all of your visits.  You are also assigned a secondary/tertiary (is that the right word?) midwife.  You will see them over the course of your visits at least once but usually more than that.  If they are available the time of your delivery ie. they are not in clinic or at another birth, etc.  they will be the next midwife called to be at your birth.  Midwives typically work in pairs and the secondary midwife is called just before pushing begins so the primary can be available for the mother and the secondary is available for the baby.  They really do have a fantastic system although last time around, there were are few little glitches in our "plan" and we ended up with two midwives we didn't know after calling about 3 other midwives.

Anyway, today I met with my secondary midwife for the second time and she is just fantastic!  So helpful with any questions we might have (which surprising, we don't have many of this time around!  It's impressive how much you really remember from being pregnant the first time around).  She's so informative and I just always get the feeling that she loves what she does!  She explained again our choice in the baby eye gel and the vit. k shot that has become the norm. for newborn babies in North America.  She discussed when we should be calling them if/when I go into labor.  We talked about what happens to me because I am GBS+ and the IV antibiotic I will have to have because of it.  She talked about the fact that because I am GBS+ I may be induced if my water breaks but labor doesn't start on it's own, etc.  We talked about a lot of great things!

Of course she also takes my blood pressure, measure my fundal height, listens to baby's heart beat (which is beating strong at 150 BPM).  She uses her hands to find the position of the baby - head down low, back to my right side.  And that's it!  That's my midwife appointment.

My mom came with us today.  Of course, she'll be present for the birth of "baby brother" so I think it's always nice the she get's to meet the midwives that will probably be there as well for the birth.  That way theres no awkwardness the day of!

I really do love midwifery and can't say enough about how much it has taught me and makes me really appreciate and love my body and my capabilities as a women!  It's incredible!

I'm getting so excited now!  In all honesty I can not wait until I go into labor and of course meet this wee babe! :)

Thanks for reading!

Do you have any stories of midwifery you'd like to share?  Feel free to comment or e-mail me at gethealthymomma[at]gmail[dot]com!  I love hearing from my readers!  

Friday, September 24, 2010

The smell is driving me nuts!

I need help!  Some serious help!  I can't get the smell out of our cloth diapers?   I've tried everything, extra rinses, extra hot washes, more detergent, less detergent, a different cycle, adding towels to the load, baking soda, vinegar, you name it I've tried it!  I'm at a total loss!!!  I've read pretty much every website out there telling me it's probably not enough water in the HE washer or that theres a build up of detergent but HOW THE HECK DO I FIX IT?!?!?!

The smell isn't even after the diaper is is done drying but when Hannah wakes up in the morning after peeing in her diaper throughout the night.  It's got a horrible horrible smell (and my pregnancy nose CANNOT handle it)!  And the even worse part of all of this is her poor's red, chapped, sore, and burnt looking!  It makes my heart break!  She says it doesn't hurt and hasn't ever complained about it but it just looks so sore!  Usually I can clear it up in about a day and a half by using Bum Bum Balm (I really need to do a review of this stuff, it's incredible!!!) but I just feel so bad that I'm not able to get these diapers clean enough to protect her poor bum!

I'm also really worried because I planned on using the same diapers for when "baby brother" is born in November.  I just couldn't think of putting a diaper that hurts Hannah's bum so bad on a brand spankin' new sensitive bum of a newborn (plus if he's anything like his sister when she was born he'll have super sensitive skin)!

So please for the love of all things cloth diapering!  If you have a trick to get rid of the funk, HELP ME!  I need it!  I'm getting really fed up with this and just want to scream!

HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME!!! Please! :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hannahs Birth Story Part II

Wanna read the first part?  Click here

Okay so where was I?  Oh right, I had just got to the hospital, was checked (at 5.5 cm) and needed a rest from the ride into the hospital.  I laid down for a bit and just focused through the pain.  I held my husband's hand until he got tired of standing, when my mom would come in and take over.  Shortly after I got to the hospital my sister (who I also wanted as a support person in the room with me) arrived and came in the room to help with whatever I needed.  I really couldn't have asked for a better group of people with me through such an experience.  It was incredible to welcome our daughter into this world with people who would love and care for her just as much as I did by my side.  I really feel blessed to have had the 3 of them with me.

A little background - My goal for my delivery was to do it all natural.  I wanted to try and avoid having an epidural at all costs, not because I wanted to be a brave strong women but because I have a horrible fear of needles and just couldn't picture it being okay to have one jabbed in my back while in such intense pain.  I wanted to use whatever methods I could to deal with the pain and I found it easiest to use breathing and focus to control the pain.

My midwife keep telling me what a great job I was doing and that if I felt up to it I should maybe get up and go for a walk.  I decided I'd give it a try and see if that would help progress things along.  I really don't have the exact times memorized because really this whole part of the process was much a blur to me.  I got out of bed, IV in tow and started to walk around the hallway.  The instant I got up and couldn't focus on my breathing I had a hard time getting through each contraction.  My sister walked with me pushing the IV tower along with us.  I stopped at each contraction to lean against the wall and rock and sway my hips and then we'd start back up again.  I didn't enjoy the walk and found the pain much to intense.  I think at one point after about 20 minutes, I made a short cut for myself (and sister with IV) and high tailed it through the nurses' station so I could get back to my room and gain control of the pain.  We got back to the room and I instantly went into my focus/breathing mode.  Lights dim, no one talking, etc.  It was wonderful to be in such control, I knew my body was doing what it was suppose to do and I just waited.

I was checked again at some point (I'll come back and fill in times when I have the papers in my hand) and was progressing well, my midwife thought it would be of benefit to break my bag of waters.  She did this which was such a weird sensation!  I just remember feeling like I had just peed the biggest pee I've ever peed, it was warm, wet and icky!  After my water was broken things really sped up, the contractions were intense and I really had to focus again, I laid on my side for the rest of the night concentrating as much as I could.  I remember at one point, I thought I was about to loose it, I couldn't gain control over the intense pain and I just wanted to scream.  My mom and sister really helped pull me back into things and helped me focus.  Evelyn knew the time was coming soon that I'd be pushing my wee little girl into this world and started to prepare for her birth.  She called the second midwife (Joan) and Joan started her drive into the hospital.

I had heard from quite a few people that your body just knows when to push, you'll just know.  I kept saying I don't know if I'm ready, when will I know, etc.  All of a sudden that urge came!  I had to push!  Evelyn checked me to make sure I was 100% dilated...I wasn't!  I still had a bit of a lip on my cervix but Evelyn felt confident that I could start to push with the help of her holding that lip back!  Let me tell you, this was certainly not the most comfortable thing to do. I started to push, at about 6:30a.m (May 3rd) using the squatting method.  I am so glad that I didn't have a big audience watching me, I thought for sure at some point I was going to fly off the bed.  With the help of my mom, sister, Joan, and my husband Chris I was able to lay down when I wasn't contracting and as soon as a contraction came I got up at the end of the bed in a squat to help push my little girl down.

I remember this time so well, I remember the excitement and the anticipation I felt knowing that soon my little girl would come into this world, we'd finally meet her after carrying her for 9 months.  We'd finally be able to hold her and snuggle her and give her the kisses we'd be anticipating for so long!  I joked, laughed, smiled and felt absolutely wonderful in this stage of my labor and delivery!  I'm not going to lie, it was intense and painful but there was something about it that was just magical!  All the pain I had felt before with each contraction was gone, I was on cloud 9!

At 7:00a.m the lip that had covered part of my cervix had finally moved and I was fully dilated!  15 minutes later my little Hannah entered this world, eyes wide open looking at her TeeTee (my sister) and Nana (my mom)!  I'll never forget the moment she slide out and into my arms!  We just stared at her in awe!  She was finally here and all ours!  I was in heaven!  I couldn't believe how amazing the whole journey was!  I did it!  I had made it!

Unfortunately, I did have a pretty significant tear which required an OB to repair.  This experience was horrible for me and just made me 100% confident in my decision to have a midwife care for me during my pregnancy, labor and delivery.  The OB walked into the room and ordered everyone to leave, I had to give up my little girl and was wheeled to the operating room where I was given an epidural to freeze my body from the waist down so she could repair my 4th degree tear.  I cried and cried and cried!  My little girl was in good hands with my mother and sister and I was in good hands with my midwife and husband by my side but I still felt like all I had worked for was gone, I still had to have that horrible needle in my spine, I was still wheeled to an obnoxiously bright operating room with a ton of people coming into the room and staring at my girly bits.  My little girl wasn't in my arms...I was hell!  I just wanted to go back to staring at my new little girl!  My midwife quickly realized this and asked if I would like her to get Hannah and bring her to me.  Of course I did!  She left the OR and came back with my bundle of joy! I cried the entire time I was being stitched up but all that really matter was my baby girl was born healthy and in my arms!

After the stitching was done, I was wheeled back to my room where everyone was waiting for me!  I was back on cloud 9 and feeling fantastic!  We started breastfeeding right away and things were just perfect!  We stayed in the hospital for 2 days, all my nurses were fantastic and super helpful!  I met with a few different midwifes from my clinic whole all though Hannah was perfect!  We left the hospital on a high note and things were just amazing from there on out!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A night like this

That was the name of the song we danced to for the first time together as Husband and Wife 4 years ago!  I'll never forget all the love and joy I felt on that day, knowing just how much my life had really starting.  We were together man and wife forever and I couldn't be happier!  What a wonderful day/night it was 4 years ago today when I married my best friend, my confidant, my love!

It's hard to believe it's been 4 years already with all that we done within that time frame, we've purchased our first house, bought a dog, had a baby, have another baby on the way!   We've made a wonderful family and life for us to enjoy and cherish for the rest of our lives! It's unbelievable what we've accomplished in just 4 short years!

We've grow to love each other more and more everyday!  I'm so happy to be your wife, your lover, and your best friend!  I love learning about you, and about us as we take on each day together!

I couldn't ask for a better husband, you make me complete!  You make me smile every morning and fall asleep each night wondering what the next day will entail!  You've made me feel loved and special every day of the past four years and I can only imagine how fantastic the next 4 years will be!  I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you as your wife.  Right by your side, through the good and the bad, through thick and thin!  I will be there for you to fall upon when you need someone to pick you up!  I love you more than the moon and stars in the sky!

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart! :)

Lyrics to A Night Like This by Tomi Swick
A night like this 
Kept you wishing 
For a night like this again 
So i'll take your hand 
And set you falling into the air 
And oh, love 

Take this night and 
All it's stars well 
Could it be anyone else with you? 
No no no 
Take this time now 
And all this charm well 
Could it be anyone else here? 

Oh someone 
Tripped you up 
And sent you reeling, right into me 
So come along now 
Let me see what i've got here for you oh 
And oh love 

Take this night and 
All it's stars well 
Could it be anyone else with you? 
No no no 
Take this time now 
And all it's charm well 
Could it be anyone else? 

It's alright 
So close your eyes and hold tight 

Cause a night like this 
Kept you wishing 
For a night like this again 

Take this night and 
All it's stars well 
Could it be anyone else with you? 
No no no 
Take this time now 
And all it's charm well 
Could it be anyone else with you here right now ya 
Take this night and 
All it's stars well 
Could it be anyone else with you? 
No no no 
Take this time now 
And all it's charm well 
Could it be anyone else? 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - My girl!

She's got an amazing personality, she's funny, crazy, silly, loving, cuddly!  She's fun and fabulous, and she's all mine!  She's gorgeous, she's smart, she is outspoken and loves life!  She's my girl!  Thanks for being such an amazing little girl!  Mommy loves you with all her heart! :)

Thursday, September 09, 2010


We did it!  We signed Hannah up for dance, we've purchased the outfit, the shoes, the tutu! :)  I can't believe how incredibly excited I am to have her dance at such a young age!  I ALWAYS wanted to be in dance!  I thought of even joining when I was about 18 but figured I had already missed so much there wasn't much point!

We found a studio that offers children 2 and older classes in both Ballet, and Tap/Jazz.  Each class is 1/2 hour long so we signed her up for both back to back.  I think it'll be a great experience for her.  It's expensive, no doubt about it (no wonder my mom, on a single person's income couldn't afford to enroll me) but I'm hoping she loves it, gains confidence and just has a great time doing it!  They even have a end of year recital!  Are you kidding me?!  I'm sure there will be MANY tears seeing my little girl on such a big stage - they do a big production at one of the Universities in the area (holds 700 people) and they include the little tots!  I can't wait!!

We got home last night after having a family dinner out and she wanted to try on all her "new stuff", once she got her tap shoes on it was non-stop!  She loved the sound they made on the ceramic floor and she loved doing twirls and spins! Talk about precious!

That's hubby talking - as you can tell, we're big fans of So You Think you can Dance (or Prance as he calls it!)

Thanks for looking!