Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Thursday again

I could do another Thankful on Thursday but that just doesn't seem very nice especially since the last post I did was a Thankful on Thursday post what two weeks ago!!!

This is horrible, I can't seem to get into this bloggy thing, I never feel I've got enough to say to make people want to read my blog.  I don't know, I guess my life is a bit boring, theres not much going on.

This weekend is my Hannah's 2nd Birthday party.  WOW I can't believe she's going to be 2 years old (on the 3rd)!  We're just doing a small(er) family thing.  I think right now we've got about 17 people coming.  Grandparents, great grandparents, uncles and aunts, etc.  We're having Hot Dogs, Hamburges, Ceaser salad, potato salad, cheese & crackers, chips, and birthday cake!  I'm really hoping the weather holds out so we can do most of the festivities outside.  Please don't rain!!!  I've got to get my butt in gear because I don't have ANYTHING!  I've been sick with a nasty headcold so I've haven't felt up to planning a party!  I really need to get on that.  IT"S THIS FREAKIN" SATURDAY!!!!

Wish me luck, I'll be hitting the stores big time tonight and tomorrow to make sure I've got everything I need!

By the way, I'm now 14 weeks pregnant and starting to finally feel normal again! Fingers crossed because it was nasty, the morning sickness sucked, the headaches sucked, it pretty much sucked from about 8 weeks to now!  We have another midwife appointment coming up on Tuesday where I'm really hoping we get to hear the baby's heartbeat!  I just need some reassurance, I've been irrational in my thinking lately and just need something to remind me that I am infact pregnant with a healthy little babe! 

I'll be back with some pictures of Hannah on her "birthday".  I'm really looking forward to it! I just still can't believe my little pumpkin is going to be 2!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful on Thursday!

This week I have a lot to be thankful for!

1) This!  

2) My family, I love that I can live with my sister and her family and not be totally annoyed by them being with us in our house.  I love the my mom and I talk numerous times on the phone/internet each day.  I am so lucky to have the family I do!

3) My husband.  My rock, how can I not love him.  She's sweet, generous, caring, giving, loving and everything I could every ask for!  He's incredible!

4) My beautiful little girl.  She makes me laugh every single day with all of her silliness!  Her beautiful smiles and the amount of love she shows me each and every single day! :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Big Annoucement

I'm about to change this whole weight loss thing dramatically.  I'm about to change gears for this blog and all of it's readers!  I'm about to announce something HUGE!!!

I really don't know how many readers I have that don't already know the news but I'm still excited to announce it here.  It's been a secret for way to long now and I can't wait to finally let the cat out of the bag.

Anyone wanna take a guess???

I'm joking I'm totally going to tell a minute!

Let me just say instead of loosing the 25 lbs I really need to loose I'm about to gain it!  That's right everyone, I now HAVE to gain weight (Although I really hope it's not 25lbs).  I get to eat extra calories, pig out on whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it, sure I don't get caffeine, ibuprofen when I've got a headache, or anything spicy because of heartburn but I can still go to my chiropractor and he'll work his magic.

If you haven't figured it out by now, we are expecting a new baby!  We've know for quite some time but have been keeping it quite for a few different reasons!  Today's the first day we've come out and let everyone know the news.  We're very excited anticipating the arrival of a new bundle of joy and couldn't be more thrilled that Hannah is going to be a big sister.  Our expected due date is currently October 28th, so watch out for a different kind of weekly picture and different kind of measurements.  I will continue to eat right, and exercise in hopes that when this babe is born I'll be able to quickly shed and keep off the weight.

Thanks again for checking out my blog!  Feel free to leave comments when you come just so I know you've been around.  I'll pass on the favor, I promise!

Oh yeah and for the fun of it click on the ExpectNet banner on the sidebar or click here to enter your guess as to what the sex, weight, birth date, etc of the new baby will be.   Anyone can do it and we'd love to see who's closest!!!

Friday, April 09, 2010


Has this week been the longest week of my life!  Yes, at least it feels that way!  I had Monday off but for some reason this short week seems like it's got to be the longest week of my existence!  I am just so glad today is Friday and we have a nice relaxing weekend coming up!  Nothing planned so we'll be just taking it as it is!

What are you're weekend plans?