Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm alive and doing well....

No I haven't died, or fallen off the face of the earth, I am still here.  I just don't seem to have much to write about anymore...I'm boring.  There's a lot going on in our life right now and I'm just trying to deal with it and can't seem to motivate myself to actually post here.

I've been doing a lot with my photography the past few weekends, with quite a few photo sessions of kiddos and mommies to be!  It's such a rewarding thing to do!  I just love it so much.  It's great meeting all the families and the precious newborns, and children I get to make silly faces at!  It's great!  I'm getting to the point in this that I really need to make up my mind what I want to do, do I want to continue with this and possible make it a career or just part time or what.  I've got lots of thinking and soul searching to do! :) (Check out my photography blog for sneak peeks of the work I've been doing recently)

I also have some exciting news to announce and will be doing that next week sometime.  It's very exciting and takes this whole bloggy thing in a complete different direction but it's a good thing.  I'm very excited about it and look forward to telling everyone! :)  So stay tuned for that! :)

Have I mentioned we're hitting the terrible twos?  Hannah will be 23 months old in just a few days and holy cow, we've definitely reach the terribles!  She has a mind of her own and if we don't agree with everything she says, does and acts upon we are in for it.  Screaming, hitting, pinching, total on the floor tantrums which include feet flailing in all directions.  It's hysterical but can be oh so annoying.  It takes us twice as long to get up and go because we might wrongly suggest she wear a warmer jacket in the rain and cold or her rubber boots rather than her running shoes when it's wet and soggy out.  It's quite fun to watch her grow up and start having opinions but good god I don't know how much more of the whining and screaming I can deal with....is there a button we can hit to switch this off?

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I love these two commercials

and couldn't resist.  I have to post it to those of you that live under a rock and haven't seen it! :)  Just kidding!  We could all use a little chuckle tonight.  Here they are!!

This ones for you over at ThisorTheHousework, Katherine, I know you love this! :)

Monday, March 08, 2010

Sorry for the lack of updates

Finally I've got a couple updates for my 101 things list, it's not much but it counts! :)

13. Take Hannah tobogganing
 Chris and I decided we'd head to the trailer on Saturday to see if there was any way we could walk through the snow to check it out and make sure things were alright.  Well we didn't make it to the trailer.  We parked at the front gate, got bundled in our snow suits put Hannah on the sled and started our trek in.  We didn't even make it half way in when the show was over of knees.  We turned around and just found a nice hill to toboggan on.  Hannah really enjoyed it and playing in the snow afterwords.  She loved throwing snowballs at Sage (our boxer) and Sage loved catching the snowballs Hannah threw to her!  It was a beautiful day and even though we didn't make it all the way in we still made the best of it and  had a great day!

68. Shave my legs everyday for 2 weeks (1412/14)
 I did this really only because I had too! LOL
Obviously I didn't want to be in the Dominican with nasty hairy legs so I started about a week before shaving everything to make sure I would be silky smooth while away.  Each day we were there I shaved too.  Come to think of it maybe it wasn't quite 2 weeks because I certianly wasn't shaving my legs while in the hospital.  Darn it! I thought I completed this...oh well I'll shave tonight and tomorrow and call it done! :)

83. Use the video camera more
We used this a lot while we were gone, heck we even have video from both Hannah and I in the hospital.  (Now I just need to upload it).  We'll continue to use the camera more because we love the results afterword, I love having video of us and our family trips, fun things we do, etc.  I'm so glad Chris decided to get the video camera! :)

Anyway, that's it for now!  I'll check back in later!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Spending the day with Nana!

My sister and BIL woke up in the middle of the night last night with the same sickness that we have all been battling this past 2 weeks.  I felt really bad for the two of them.  Anyway, my sister who is my child care provider was in no condition to look after Hannah today so we packed her up and sent her over to my moms.  Hannah was very excited to be going over to Nana's for the day and couldn't get dressed fast enough this morning.

By the sounds of things she's really enjoying herself.  She's called to talk to me a couple of times on the phone and my mom sent me this little clip.  Check it out - she sings mommy a song! LOL

Originally uploaded by kandice shiell

Adorable!  What a silly girl!  She certianly knows how to show off!

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Things are back to normal...

Thank god, I don't think I could handle much more adventure in my life right now.  I need time to relax.  It's an interesting concept eh, spend a week on vacation and you still feel like you need a weeks vacation to unwind from your vacation.  It's a catch 22.

Hannah is back on her schedule now and she's loving being home and back in her daily routine.  She's such an easy going child but she really does thrive on routine and normalcy.  I don't blame her at all.  She went through a lot while she was away.  She still talks about the lizards we saw, and we purchase a kids CD of music we listened to each night at the show that she REALLY enjoys listening to at home.  First thing this morning she wanted to "Danse".  She's so darn cute!  She remembers all the actions to the songs that the kid councilors taught her and she really enjoys putting on a show for us in her playroom.
I haven't been back to the gym since I've been home but I'm just starting to get my appetite back and without it I didn't have much strength or energy to be working out.  I'll be back by the end of the week though.  I am still at the same weight as when I left for vacation.  I was surprised, I kind of expected with everything I would have lost a bit of weight (obviously not the most ideal way to loose it) but I didn't, but I didn't gain any either.  So I'll take it! :)

I'll take my measurements tonight and post them on the side.  I doubt there's much change it them either.

I'm working on editing a photo shoot I did for a client before I left.  As soon as I'm done and that's out of the way I'll have some vacation pictures to post.  I was going through them last night and I only took 200 pictures the entire week we were away.  That's really unlike me.  Oh well there are some good ones - I look forward to sharing them with you all!  Stay tuned!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Well we made it home.....in one piece

What a vacation!!! If anyone has seen my status's on FB you'll have the short of the story but this is the longer version -

Hannah was great the first few days were were there - Sun, Mon, Tues were fantastic, we swam, played, ran around, explored, etc it was wonderful. Then on Wednesday she started throwing up bad. Chris had gone to a bar in town to watch the hockey game so he wasn't in the room to witness any of this. I had to try everything I could to control the vomiting. It was really scary the amount she was throwing up but finally she was able to get some sleep. The next day she was fine, she wasn't eating as much but she never eats as much when she's away from home. Then she was very sleeping and blah feeling. We took her back to the room where she slept all day long. I figured she was just tired from not sleeping the night before. Fast forward, the next morning she woke up with no energy, weak, not talking except for saying “Drink”, she definitely wasn’t herself. We rushed her down to the clinic in the complex and they say she had to be admitted to the hospital because she was so dehydrated. They suspect she ingested pool water which was contaminated. She spent 24hrs in the hospital hooked up to IV, blood taken from her for testing, stool samples, and urine samples all came back negative for anything like parasites, or bacteria. She was released without medication. Totally back to normal on Thursday night enjoying her time at the resort.

We spent the night at the show watching entertainment, went to bed early because we wanted to spend the next day and last day at the beach and doing a bit of shopping.

Fast forward after a great day of shopping and beach lounging - about 4 hours before the bus was coming to pick us up to bring us to the airport, I’m sick, major sick - vomiting and diarrhea BAD! I figured it would just pass but nope, when we tried to check in the lady at the desk asked me if I wanted to see the doctor, I asked what he’d be able to do and she told me he could give me something to stop the vomiting and diarrhea - OK I’m in, anything to stop this and get me home alive was good to me. I went , he noticed how bad I actually was hooked me to IV because I was dehydrated, gave me medication to stop the vomiting and diarrhea. It only stopped the diarrhea, I was still vomiting A LOT! The doctor kept reassuring me we’d be on the flight home the night - we would be rushed to the plane 10 minutes before it left.

Chris and I just got home this morning at 5am after spending the previous 24hrs in the hospital. I'm not going to go into major detail because it'll take me forever to tell all the details but needless to say, we missed out flight - which Hannah was on! My sister and Mother In Law look Hannah from the doctors office because they figured she'd be happier with them. 3 minutes before the flight left Chris (freaking out by this time) ran, stopped the plane from pulling out and told my sister and MIL that Hannah was going home with them. I was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance where I was admitted for 24hrs. Lucky for us the flight we were able to get on today was delayed 3 hours otherwise we would have been stuck in the Dominican until Tuesday!

Needless to say, I’m SO happy to be home! Safe and sound and with Hannah! It was so scary just letting her go, thank god my sister and brother in law are as amazing as they are! They were able to handle their daughter, my daughter all the luggage, going through customs with 4 different last names, etc. They were saviours! What an experience!
I'll be back to post pictures and stuff later - I should be sleeping considering all the sleep I lost during the last few days but for some reason I just toss and turn so when I get a bit more time I'll post some videos and pictures!

Thanks for reading! :)