Sunday, January 31, 2010

In case you haven't noticed....

I put a little blinkie flashy thing all the way at the bottom of my page.

CLICK IT!!!!! (Pretty please! :))

When you click on it you're actually voting for me which ranks me as a top mommy bloggger! :)  I'm sure with the HUGE response I've been getting to my blog (haha, it's a joke) it'll take me years before I actually rank #1 but it's still fun!

If you think it might be something you're interested in check it out here.  It's kind of a fun little thing to make your ego feel a little better when we have a couple people in this huge world look at your blog! Check it out and if you're a mommy sign up, it's great to have competition! ;)

Actually you know what, to make it a little easier I'm also going to add the image in this post!

Click it! I know you want too!

 Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Friday, January 29, 2010

Update on me!

I've been busy eating healthy and working my butt off at the gym! :)  Finally I made it to the gym!  And I ran on the treadmill and I don't have any crazy stories to report back.  I didn't fall on my butt, I didn't run out of breath which means of course I didn't die!  I did it!  Yippee!

You'll probably laugh at me for what I did but I'll post it anyway...

Day 1 of my scheduled run/walk for weight loss was:

Walk 10 minutes

Next 6 minutes alternate running 1 minute and walking 1 minute

Walk 4 minutes.

I did this plus then did some strength training (leg press, leg ext. etc.)

I was POOPED!  I was shaky and tired by the time I was done but I felt great!  I had a great afternoon and just had a little spring to my walk!

I should also mention the night before while at my moms house I did this exact run/walk on her treadmill.  So that's 2 days in a row!  You should be proud! :)

On thing I did notice while I was running on the treadmill today was I need to invest in some new shoes and some new shorts/pants.  My shoes hurt my feet and made a lovely blister at the back of my heal which peeled and starting burning like crazy half way through my workout.  Plus the shorts I was wearing were really riding and causing my legs to rub together.  This is not a pleasant feeling and it makes me a little nervous running while trying to fix the shorts that are riding up in all the wrong places.

That'll be my next investment.  Some new gym wear.  Any suggestions???  I'll be posting with a few things I find and might be interested in purchasing! So stay tuned for the post!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My bags are packed I'm ready to go....


I've got my gym clothes washed, and my bag at the front door so I won't "forget" to bring them with me tomorrow when I leave for work!

I'm going to the gym! *Do a little dance!* It will be my first day doing my "Running for Weight Loss" from Women's Health.  I'm pretty sure I linked to it somewhere but if not I'll try to find it and repost it here!  So even though it's suppose to start on a Monday I'll just make Wednesday my Monday! :)  I'm looking forward to it, I've got my iPod all loaded with some new music for my workout and I'm going to feel darn good doing it! :)

Stay tuned for the post workout update!  It'll be good I'm sure.  Hopefully I don't have any stories like I totally slipped right off the treadmill and skinned my face all along the floor as I screamed and everyone came running to my rescue.  Hopefully it'll be stories like some tall, thin man/women with an amazing body stopped me to tell me I've got great form and look like I've been running for years!  Haha, doubt it!  But keep posted anyway! :)

And I'm hoping I'll have a picture up of me soon enough - I keep forgetting to ask Chris to take a picture of me!

Daily Food Diary - January 27th

Caramel Macchiato

Cream of mushroom soup
Potato Skins from Boston Pizza

French Toast
Pancake Syrup
3 pieces of bacon
Ginger ale

Nothing yet

4 glasses of water

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A few interesting articles I found

How to Start Running Today

I really want to have that awesome toned body they talk about! I've got to keep thinking that as I'm running around my neighbourhood crying because I want to quit!

The Best Workout for your body type

Interesting exercises (a print out as well as a video showing each exercise) and delicious sounding meal plans!

Daily Food Diary - January 25th

Caramel Macchiato 

Chicken Burger

1 Pork Chop
Veggies (Peas, Carrots, Sugar Snap Peas)

Ginger ale

2 Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter

Water intake
8 glasses

A walk around the mall takes my breath away right now with this horrible cold, I'd say that's good enough for today! :)

Monday, January 25, 2010


So I had big plans to go and get sized for shoes and buy a new pair of runners to get out and about the neighborhood and run, instead, I spent my weekend in bed!

Actually Saturday was spent sick but doing what I could to get Hannah feeling better. She went for a nap and woke up to throw up all over her daddy! Welcome home dad! Haha!

After she threw up we played in her playroom for a bit but then she just wanted to sleep! Poor thing!

We got to rest for about 2 hours or so on the floor, snuggling and just taking it easy before she decided it was time to get up and play again.

Sunday I stayed in bed all day! I could hardly move and when I did it was just to go to the washroom then back to my bed!  Of course then Sunday night I couldn't sleep!  Grrr..I HATE being sick!  It is always so hard on me.  I seem to get it 10 times worse then the person before me and it always drags me down so much.  Hopefully I'll get over it soon!

On a plus note I'm down 2.8 lbs!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daily Food Diary - January 23rd

Mini Wheats & Milk

Ham & Egg Wrap

Green Bean mix and carrots

Cheese and crackers

Water Consumption
4 glasses of water


Daily Food Diary - January 22nd

3 Oreo cookies (I really need to start eating something healthy and nutritious for breakfast)

Chicken Caesar salad

Homemade pizza

Coffee Crisp Chocolate Bar

Water Consumption


Friday, January 22, 2010

Well this isn't off to a good start!

This week has pretty much been a write off. My sister has been sick which means, I've been home and taking care of the kids while she sleeps to get rid of this horrible cold/flu thing that's going around! Fingers crossed I don't end up with it! Therefore I haven't been to the gym! :( I did however drink more water than I normally do, eat less at dinner time, and tried to not snack as much in the evening. I also made sure that I only drank one Pepsi during the day(I usually have 2). So sure maybe I didn't do anything amazing this week but it's the first week and next week I'm starting a new fitness plan I found on Women's Health. Check it out here! I'm looking forward to it and I think Krystal (my sister) might be interested in doing it as well.

We both attempted running in the past and I'm not sure if it's because of the shoes I wore or what but I ended up with incredibly sore knees (I could hardly walk, sit, stand, move) and I quit because I just figured it wasn't for me. I have since decided that I am going to go for it and try it one more time. I'd like to get into this for real this time and my first stop will be Runners Choice to make sure I have the proper shoes.

Chris (husband) has been away all week so when he gets home tonight (actually more likly tomorrow) I'll get him to take a picture of me and I'll re-weigh myself. Actually thinking of re-weighing, I think my scale is either broken or just needs new batteries. I've got to check that out.

So OFFICIALLY next week is my starting week! Wish me luck!

Daily Food Diary - January 21st

PB & J on brown bread

Egg Sandwich

Spaghetti & Meat Sauce
Garlic toast

Chips (BBQ)

Total Water
6 glasses

Nothing! :( I was at home again with the Kiddos. My sister was still sick but I think she's starting to feel better and now my niece is getting it! I can only believe that Hannah is going to be snotty, coughy, and sick within the next few days! :( So not looking forward to that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Food Diary

Today was a pretty busy day but I think I did alright with my meals. Fries again which isn't probably the best thing but at least they are baked!

Coffee (half a mug)

Mini Wheats

Tartar sauce

Coffee (about 2 sips of a mug)

Water consumption
5 glasses

No gym today at lunch - I had to stay home with Hannah today because my sister/sitter is sick!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Daily Food Diary

Every day I'm going to try and post what I've been eating for the day - the good, the bad and the ugly!  I'm also going to post any and all exercise I've done.

Todays meals, snacks and total water consumption

  • Coffee
  • BLT Sandwich
  • Fries & Gravy
  • Iced Tea
  • Fries
  • Chicken nuggets
  • 1 can of pepsi
  • Blueberry Vanilla Yogurt
Total Water consumption -
2 glasses of water

I really want to try and increase my water intake.  One thing I'm going to start doing before each meal is down one full glass of water.  This will help with not eating to much during my meal plus it'll help me increase my water consumption.

Fitness -
Nothing today :(

I'll hit the gym tomorrow at lunch if I'm not to sore from the Chiropractor in the morning.


I've decided to create a blog to help me keep track of my new project!

Weight loss!

I have decided enough is enough, I need to loose some weight so I can be the best I can be.  I'm a "new" mom (new is in quotes because my baby is actually going to be 2 in May).  I want to be able to be the best mom I can be, running around with Hannah (my daughter) and not feeling tired, sore or out of breath.  I want to take care of myself for her.

This is where I'll keep track of my progress, with weekly weigh in's and weekly photos.  I want to see my progress and have somewhere to share my hard work with the world.  I don't expect it to be easy but maybe with a bit of encouragement I'll get there! :) 

My Goals

  • My Ideal weight - 170 lbs  I used this calculator to figure out my "ideal weight" (I also checked out a few others).  I'm going to put my number at the high end to begin with but as I get closer to this goal I will modify it.
  • Run (this could be a maraton, or just being able to run around the community, I'm not sure yet).  I will set this to a specific amount (time or km) when I know a bit more about running.
My Current weight  233lbs. And I plan to get to 170lbs therefore I need to loose 63lbs.  I can do it! :)

Keep checking back as I share this journey with you and maybe can help inspire someone to get up and be healthy!